w i s h l i s t (!)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

I always thought the idea of having an amazon wishlist and the like was kind of... lame. Maybe I'm just deterred by those who post theirs on their facebooks before their birthdays and are like 'here's the link if you're feeling generous!' I don't know. It seems sorta cheap? I mean, I have an amazon wishlist but it's more of an organizational tool, haha. I have things on it that I want to bookmark as gifts for other people and not just myself. That way my bookmarks don't get too crowded and I can have it all in one place. The items above are some things I've been lusting after for awhile (hellooo modcloth dress) and some things I'm fairly certain are necessary, like those minnetonka boots. I mean, Rontu chewed up my classics but it's cold now anyway so I might as well invest in some booties, right? So, 'tis the season and I love to internet-window shop, so I put a few of my favorite finds together.

1. Asos satchel bag. I've been admiring these satchel bags for awhile but haven't really found one I liked until now. I like the huge buckles, and the scalloped edges make it slightly less masculine. 2. Canon 50mm 1.4 lens. Okay, this may possibly be on the 'need' list, especially since my 1.8 is seeing it's final days. 3. Taxidermy Fox. I lovee taxidermy, especially vintage taxidermy, and this fox is just so cute! Look at that face. 4. Rad to the Bone dress. It glows in the dark! Need I say more? 5. Raw quartz ring. Midwest Alchemy has some of the coolest rings made out of raw gemstones. Definitely inspiring for when I finally learn how to make my own jewelry. 6. SOTBM Moonshine Oil. Ive followed Sisters of the Black Moon since they first started their ebay shop and when I saw this on their site I think I screamed a little. Grapefruit and juniper will always be some of my favorite scents to wear. 7. 'S' by jj abrams. Technically I think this book is called Stranger. I saw the teaser for it (which you can watch here) and was hooked. It didn't come in Nook form so on the list it went. I am a huge Lost & Fringe fan so I can barely even contain my excitement to start reading! 8. Instax 90 camera. Little pictures that print instantly and I can basically put anywhere? Yes please! 9. Delancy flats. Ive been keeping my eye out for a cheaper version of these, but again with the buckles.. love them. 10. Minnetonka boots. Like I said, these are a need. Definitely will be wearing these through spring and summer. 11. Hair pins from Thistle & Fox. Aren't these the cutest? I think they'd look just lovely in my red hair :)

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